My name is Juan,I have knees pain for about 6 years.I tried chiropractic ,regular doctor , remove the pain,but doesn't work,the pain was really bother me for many years.I am a runner,I like to run and often join to the 1/2 Marathon,when I run,my knees pain a lot,I can not run fast and long,that make me feel sad,because I like to be a good runner,and have a good course in the competition but I can not did it,because my knees.
When some body tell me,"Reiki" can cure my knee problem with energy,
I was skeptical and some point .no trust in that way! because doctor cure me
after year pain back.
So I decided to try Reiki Healing , I think,"anyway, I have nothing to loss,why not?just try ".
And then I went to Amy's [Energy Healing Workshop] to ask for healing, she was smiling and told me"Don't worry,I can cure your knees with Divine energy."Her confidence and positive energy gave me confidence. Under her guidance, I relaxed my body, let go of my mind, took a deep breath, and observed the sacred light of the source into my body, purifying my body and removing all the negative energy and negative emotions and all the pain in my body.
After 2 healing session,my knees no more pain.all the pain gone,I feel so happy and grateful,because I have healthy knees now,I can run much faster and longer than before,I can enjoy my life every moment without pain,and the pain never go back.
Now,I just want to say, If you have some problems,need help.or you want more healthy and happy and relaxed,go to [Amy's Energy Healing Workshop,ask for help,after energy healing,you can feel how different than before,you can see how juch change in your life.
Experince it,you loss nothing,only get benefit.
Thanks ,Amy!
Thanks Divine Energy!
在这里,源头纯净的圣光,天使无条件的圣爱,水晶高频率的治疗能量,以及植物精油熏香的芬芳气息伴随着高能量的放松身心灵的疗愈音乐,让你在宁静与平和的磁场中体验一次美妙无比的身心灵之旅。你需要做的只是放松、信任、敞开心灵接收宇宙赐予的祝福和恩典。经过源头圣光的洗礼,释放了身心灵疲惫紧张和压力的重负,你将会体验到生命更多的轻松自在、轻盈优雅、丰盛富足和健康快乐。亲爱的你,给自己一次全方位的呵护,给自己的身心灵一个宁静的片刻,好好爱自己,照顾好自己,你的生命将绽放美丽的光彩! 爱和祝福! --圣光天使Amy
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