The light has won beloveds. All of the work that you have put in - to love and cherish your divine precious selves, and remember the Divine truth that we are all embodiments of God in human form has born unimaginable fruit.....
The light has truly won beloved's. We will keep repeating this until you all are jumping up and down in celebration. Victory to the light. Please know that all of the Divine prophecies are actualising in these end times, as Humanities crystalline heart has always been infinitely more powerful than any lower frequency timeline agenda.
According to Vedic philosophy we are currently experiencing the final few lines of the age of Kali yuga, which is representative of the age of materialism, hedonism, escapism, and the exoneration of all that is of the base. Simultaneously we are in the opening lines of the Golden Age. These two timelines are operating currently at the moment brothers and sisters and it is imperative that everybody is aware of this, and remembers implicitely that wherever you focus your God given powers of intention is the timeline you will empower……
This is why it is so imperative that everybody remembers how empowered they are with regards to where they Focus their divine attention and intention. If you are getting caught up in worries problems and the cycles of pain and suffering then please know on some level that this a sovereign choice that you are making ….You could simply stop - and choose to be present in this moment and stop indulging in these negative worrying fearful thoughts, you could also choose to focus your awareness on that which you are grateful for and go on a prolific rampage of gratitude, as with everything it all comes down to choice.
When we make these choices this is where we actualize our living mastery as we are demonstrating that we are no longer hypnotised by the spell of unconscious egoic negativity.
Enlightenment is so extremely simple and this is why it is very tricky for the mind to grasp, but beloveds we come forward to remind you that everything comes down to a choice and it is simply a choice of where you choose to focus your god-given powers of attention and intention- when you make that sovereign choice- to turn your attention to that which is positive and in alignment with divine frequencies, you are literally cutting yourself loose from samsaras perpetual hamster wheel.
There is no teacher, twin flame, Guru or guide that will give you what you are searching for. Only you can give this to yourself through remembering the power of your choices.
It is imperative to always remember that mother Father God - our higher self gives us a clean slate/ a blank slate, an empty canvas in each and every moment. Please re-read that
This is the master key to liberation. Our higher self does not function in the consciousness of being stuck in the past and therefore our higher selves are in a constant state of being free of all burdens. Let us all draw to our awareness for one moment a vision of all instruments - a flute a drum, a guitar, a whistle, that which defines an instrument is emptiness, and understanding this beyond the faculty of the rational mind lies the secret to perpetual happiness.
We have all been programmed to believe that we must keep projecting all of our problems from our past on to our present moment - but nothing could be further from the truth, and indeed it is this action that keeps everybody entrapped in this third dimensional matrix frequency.
The most challenging aspect of this is that nobody will give you permission to set yourself free, on the contrary this current holographic matrix is calibrated to ensure that you remain perpetually hypnotised and disconnected from your true self.
Therefore this must come from you ...you must give yourself permission to be burden free and empty in this moment, just like a beautiful divine exquisite instrument.
The role of the master is to remain eternally empty, that the grace of the Divine may play exquisitely through us, and please know that all of you reading these words are far exceeding all of our wildest hopes and dreams in the higher Realms.
Dearest brothers and sisters we are now approaching the 6.6 portal master portal, which is the preliminary portal to the Potent summer solstice gateway in the Northern Hemisphere on the 20th of June 2019.
The 6.6 portal heralds a time of equanimity and Atonement.
In order to prepare our personal and collective energetic field for the Potent incoming gamma rays that are predestined to pour forth from our central sun alcion at the time of the June solstice. We are being called to come together to initiate a soulful forgiveness ceremony in order to clear any debris that we as a unified field of starseeds are carrying on a personal and collective level…..
It is imperative that we come together at this time to initiate this ceremony as the energies that are aligning for the summer solstice are truly unlike anything we have ever known and are the preliminary energies for the next Wave of divine twin soul unions that will be
physicalising up to the 8.8 lions gate portal.
This is an opportunity for us all to clear - with the assistance of our most beloved galactic Arcturian soul family any last remaining karmic ancestral layers of forgiveness that for many starseeds have been very long standing and sticky.
This is a highly auspicious ceremony to be a part of, and please know that we are also being called to work with our galactic brothers and sisters to initiate a miraculous cleanup of the oceans on the Earth and all of Gaia's beaches that she be miraculously aligned with her pristine original blueprint.
We are about to experience another Ascension wave brothers and sisters so this is a reminder to stay on top of your hydration and work with electrolytes to keep your system in balance. We also recommend you listen closely to your body with regards to your diet and to liberate yourself from the 3D matrix program that has had us all believe that we need three full meals a day to function this is an old programme that is no longer serving us as we transition from our carbon to crystalline forms for many of us there will be days where fruit and juices will be sufficient. Please listen to your body and please rest whenever you can and when your body tells you to.
On a positive note we are getting more used to these Ascension waves and our bodies are assimilating rapidly.
in love and eternal light