I am Saint Germain. As always, it is a pleasure to be with you in this way in these moments, for so much is in flux now.
So much is shifting and changing. Energies are coming in more and more into the planet. More and more of you are feeling these energies. So many of you who have awakened for some time now have been working with these energies more and more, and many, many more are beginning to awaken as a result of these energies coming into the planet as a result of collective consciousness rising.
Though you may not notice it, may not see it in the outward appearances, for in many respects it looks like very little has changed. But I can assure you now that so much has not only changed, but is changing.
You find yourselves now in the moments, the moments prior, moments prior to the great changeover. And everything is building toward it. Celestial stars are moving in directions to bring about this great changeover. The alignment of the stars, the alignment of the planets: everything is coming in to be in that perfect instant when the signal is finally given and the changeover, the event, can begin. These are those times now.
You will look back on your past, your past in this lifetime, and very, very little of it will continue to have meaning for you, because you will have moved beyond the past.
Your past lives, those memories that are necessary, will come back to you. You will remember who you have been. Because who you have been makes up the present NOW that you are. Not that you need to know that now, but you do need to know all is coming back, all is coming back to remembrance.
Those of you, the Lightworkers, the warriors, the sharers, and bearers: you are here now in these moments for a reason, to either begin or continue on with your missions. I can assure you, as these times continue to move on and the changeover comes, that you will be in the right place at the right time to be able to begin to access those of us, the Ascended Masters, those of the Galactics and the Agarthans, to assist us in bringing about this incredible changeover to this planet, to this collective consciousness here.
It is time now to sit back, be in that perfect moment, be in the neutral state as much as you can. Move out of fear. Move out of judgment. Move out of hate. Move out of sadness. And embrace the joyous reality that is all around you if you but look for it. For it is trulybelieving is seeing. It is time now to believe. Believe in who you are, believe in the connection, the great Source of all. As you continue to believe in that connection and feel that connection, and be that connection, you will be ready for your ascension.
I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace and love, and the Violet Flame burning within each and every one of you, so that all of the old can be burned away and the new sprout forth.
通灵:James McConnell
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wWNlyhNtWeUipS2Dsuu1kg
在这里,源头纯净的圣光,天使无条件的圣爱,水晶高频率的治疗能量,以及植物精油熏香的芬芳气息伴随着高能量的放松身心灵的疗愈音乐,让你在宁静与平和的磁场中体验一次美妙无比的身心灵之旅。你需要做的只是放松、信任、敞开心灵接收宇宙赐予的祝福和恩典。经过源头圣光的洗礼,释放了身心灵疲惫紧张和压力的重负,你将会体验到生命更多的轻松自在、轻盈优雅、丰盛富足和健康快乐。亲爱的你,给自己一次全方位的呵护,给自己的身心灵一个宁静的片刻,好好爱自己,照顾好自己,你的生命将绽放美丽的光彩! 爱和祝福! --圣光天使Amy
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