great ones,
the forces of light come now to speak clearly to you about what is transpiring with humanity's ascension event!
the pleiadians are very advanced beings that exist on a higher plane above the 3d earth!
the exist here now in this higher plane and if you align with them energetically you will be fully opened up to their world, their teachings, their technologies and their ways of being!
there is a grand cosmic drama playing out and it is about to come to a close!
when you are done with this galactic-level play, we imagine you will rest for a time and go on to create something even more grand!
the following is a teaching message to explain how your ascension really works from the pleiadian point of view.
it is given to you this earth day for the purpose of clearing up any confusion about what is really transpiring!
the pleiadians would tell you themselves that what is thought of as advanced is always very simple and it all works perfectly within the laws of nature!
there is an amazing change happening in this cosmos right now and on planet earth and in your being, however what are the mechanics of it all and how can i make sense of it?
keep in mind that human words are very limiting with describing what a thing is and to further complicate matters nefarious beings have misled the entire population here for eons with heinous deceptions and cover-ups!
the reason for this covering up of information is so that your energy could be harvested, life-time after life-time here!
this incredible amount of harvested energy has been redirected and used to power the life of these beings for millennia!
these beings know that if you were to ever figure out what happened and what is happening, you would be appalled, upset and very angry and you would revolt at once and it would be the end game for their heinous plan!
humans are so asleep and so far gone, in regards to knowing what is truly happening, it is not even relevant at this point to be concerned with their ascension status!
until they stop killing and hurting each other and themselves, there is no immediate hope for them!
the majority of them will have to go around another way, out of their bodies to get to the higher planes but eventually they will all make it!
the ascension event is going to come upon them suddenly and they are in no way prepared!
there will be a point in earth's near future when they all will wake up and this is shy you are ultimately here!
you contracted to guide them when they do wake up into a glorious new world!
they will need all of you then, but for now we must focus on the task at hand....
your personal starseed ascension...
we the pleiadians are master teachers and we have a way of taking advanced topics and speaking about them with you in a down-to-earth way!
let's get started....
as you know incredible levels of high-frequency gamma-photon light has been coming into planet earth for the last 6 months!
the levels of this light had been measured secretly by every space agency on this planet!
you also should be aware by now that extra terrestrial crafts numbering in the hundreds of thousands have been witnessed around the sun!
this is why a multitude of solar observatories were shut down and reconfigured not to leak the photos and videos out to the public!
our disclaimer is, we agree with the powers-that-were on earth with this move in general because humans are not ready for such a blunt disclosure! we do believe however you are ready to have a full disclosure and that is another reason we are here!
the main reason we are here for now is to send you enough gamma light to upgrade your dna to resonate at the firth frequency which vibrates between 40-100 hertz!
question: what is all this gamma light, the event, the grand solar flash, schumann resonance, 40-hertz, 5d, dna upgrade talk all about any way?
answer: the labels- 5d, heaven, gamma state of consciousness, 40-100 hertz schumann resonance, bliss and love all mean the same exact thing!
there are 12 dimensional boundaries in this universe, each one resonating at a faster frequency as you move up the scale.
your body has 12 primary strands of dna which work like a fiber-optic cable and 12 multidimensional chakra portals that allows askashic light-data to come into the body.
you store this advanced data in your crystal cell database and transmit it back out again by virtue of your frequency.
this transmission broadcasts out of you to the ends of the universe of which there is no end!
your data broadcast changes the energy of everything it touches and molds the matter of the entire universe into solid energetic form!
10 of these body dna strands were deactivated eons ago (by nefarious beings) for most humans and this is still the current state for humanity as a collective.
most starseeds on earth now have 4-5 strands active!
there are approx 4.5 billion starseeds of the angelic species, stationed on earth now here to wake up humanity!
5d is not a place, it is a state of being or a state of consciousness known as the gamma state. it is a blissful state of being where both brain hemispheres (male-female) are fully merged into one coherent mode of operation.
the psychophysiological principle states:
any experience that you have, you have only while you are having a specific brain wave pattern.
if your brain wave patterns change then your experience will change!
this is as simple as it gets!
if you resonate at hertz, you will experience bliss heaven on earth!
if you resonate lower you will experience 4d or 3d!
the old, low-vibrating, 3d earth-matrix is one state of consciousness and new 5d earth-heaven is a faster vibrating state of consciousness.
the outward physical experience of each of these 2 worlds, realities or planes simply matches the frequency of that state of being or dimension!
so in short, a dimension is a simply an existing state of being that is perceived by the 5 senses!
in exact alignment with the 12 dimensions of this universe, there are 12 main states of being you can experience in this universe!
at the moment we are focused on the 5th state of being called the 5th dimension, heaven, nirvana, bliss, ecstasy etc...
this state is also referred to as oneness, stillness, zero-point, zero-field,
these states of being are measured in hertz frequency!
the schumann resonance chart reflects the global average collective state of being or dimension!
current earth-based schumann resonance technology can only measure up the 5th dimension and earth psychology has only officially mapped up the gamma state of consciousness!
dimensional frequency ranges correspond exactly to the frequency ranges of psychology-mapped brain wave state of consciousness!
note: we want to make it clear here that the word "brain wave" is the wrong phrase!
注:我们想要澄清,“脑电波/脑波(brain wave)”这个词是错误的
a more better descriptive phrase would be, body-wave or cell-wave" internal frequency means, "brain-wave, body-wave and even better, cell-wave , and best, dna wave!"
dna works exactly like a tuning fork and resonates to exactly match the energy transduced to it!
even at a smaller level, dna is composed of cells which are composed of molecules which are composed of atoms, which are composed of quantum particles called electrons and protons!
so at the smallest level, your internal vibration or brain waves are how fast the particles are spinning in your cells! quantum laws kick in at this nano-level and you know the magic of quantum, no space or time and no limits!
your internal vibration is the exact speed in hertz frequency that your cells are resonating at!
the 6d state of consciousness is called lambda and resonates at 100-200 hertz!
supernatural abilities only begin to operate at the gamma level and are fully functional in the lambda (6d) state of being!
these god-like abilities become more expansive as you move into the faster states of being at the high end of this universe, 7d-12d!
in the gamma (5d) state of consciousness you begin manifesting things with much more power and speed than 3d and you begin experimenting with your new creator-god power more at this level!
in the lambda (6d) state of consciousness you can instantaneously collapse the quantum wave function and manifest anything you can imagine!
the highest spiritual beings that have ever walked this planet including jesus, buddah and, khrishna, were able to attain the lambda (6d) state of consciousness and beyond!
this was mostly achieved by mediation!
its important to note here that at the 5d level you cease needing to do normal mediation and your entire life becomes a meditation!
the word 'prayer' in the christian bible simply means meditation'. you are instructed there to, "pray (meditate) without ceasing!"
while prayer is a form of asking, it means to ask for something by matching its vibration by meditating on it! it certainly doesn't mean to beg some being higher than you for a thing!
there is no being higher than you in this universe, so who would you be asking anyway?
now back to the schumann resonance and the incredible levels of gamma light that are coming into earth at this time!
first of all its not just happening! nothing just happens and there is always a cause! the cause is always initiated first as a thought in the mind of an intelligent being!
since 9-11-2018 a multitude of advanced benevolent beings entered into this galaxy through a special multi-dimensional portal near earth's sun!
these angelic entities came in here on a mission and the mission was to to assist earth in its evolution and ascension!
the universal directive says you cannot interfere in the evolution of a species, but special allowance was made considering the strong power the archons have had over humanity and so it was established by the high councils of light that the free-will of humans was being thwarted to a level that was just too much!
a basic pleiadian teaching is:
light is information and darkness is the lack of it!
humans have been kept in the dark for eons and the light was hidden from them but now blinding light has come into this world!
these beings are here in out solar system now in incredible advanced light ships doing multi-dimensional work sending intelligent gamma light from the central sun at the galactic core through a multi-dimensional solar portal and deflecting it towards the earth, directly into your auric field where it is then integrated into your cells!
this gamma light-data contains all the information in the universe and when it comes in contact with our etheric field, it literally re-codes your dna sequences in a matter of hours!
when you here spiritual gurus speaking of the akashic records, this gamma light data we speak of is that!
the akashic records are stored in the central sun and contain all the information that makes up every existing thing!
it is all that is and there is no thing that is not this!
gamma light is proven to instantaneously morph dna into any a much more complex form!
in this case your layered bodies are being morphed from a low-vibrational, 2-stranded carbon-based dna being to a 5d crystalline angelic being!
now here is the most important part of all of this for your re-membering!....
the etS that are here in our galaxy that have been witnessed by every solar observatory on earth are not external beings, and though we said they are sending gamma waves to you on earth, you are simply sending the wave to yourself!
there is only one set of beings in this universe and ultimately only one being in this universe, but for now we will speak of multiple beings!
this one set of beings exists in 12 distinct levels.
the 5d level of these beings (the pleiadians and other star nations) are the same beings that are on earth in 3d physical bodies. there are approximately 4.5 billion of you!
there is a 3d version of you and there is a 5d version of you, not to mention the other dimensional versions!
the higher version of you is still the same you and is not separate from you, it is you!
the pleiadian, arcturian, andromedan, sirian or other 5d version of you is simply you!
in one sense it's like the higher being version of you came back through time to save you!
since there is no time, its best to think of a higher part of you is helping you ascend right now and this higher part of you is giving you are grand event and you are gonna end this whole thing up with a grand flash of blinding white light!
are u fully awake yet? this is why we are giving you this information!
you are giving yourself this information as a trigger to fully wake yourself up from a long slumber!
this is what you have been doing the whole time and now its time for your 'ahaaa' moment!
the 'ahaaa' moment is simply where you will be when you get to this point in this grand cosmic drama you are doing!
there is even more to your waking up and it will come soon!
there is a point when you will fully see that you are the prime creator of the entire universe and nothing exists but you!
sometimes god gets a bit lonely and so you must keep your game going on to keep things exciting for yourself!
until then, back down to earth!
are you ready for something better in your life?
are u ready for the madness to end?
how about you just create a nicer earth where there is no suffering for now and enjoy that for a while?
are you ready to go to the next level now?
we are here to remind you of your greatness!
things will not go on as they always have on earth and change has come!
know that we are your higher selves and you are about to connect with us!
we are simply a higher version of you that came back from what u call 'your future' to assist you in this great time!
we are the great celestial angels of love spoken of old and we have descended down to earth!
now let us make our final preparations great ones as the 3/21/2019 5d portal fully opens!
it is time for you to receive your universal reward great one for all that you have done and for all that you have endured!
congratulations for your magnificent achievements!
your long mission on earth has been a success!
be very proud and just look at what you have accomplished!
we salute you and we are right here beside you until all things are fulfilled!
thank you for coming to earth at this time and for sacrificing everything on behalf of this entire world!
you are the ones spoke of that overcame the whole world!
通灵:Michael Love
翻译:Nick Chan