英国Southamton University大学的研究者发展研究出用激光存贮数据的技术。
一枚纳米技术处理过的水晶币就能储存360兆兆字节的信息,应用这个技术,我们可以实际的储存整个人类历史的信息,并且您的信息可以被安全储存140亿年。这个储存系统不仅仅能长久的储存信息,并且非常安全,石英水晶能承受高达157度的高温。研究者已经在这些小小的玻璃似的碟片上储存了很多重要的作品,比如英王钦定版圣经(King James Bible)和世界人权宣言
Researchers at Southamton University in the UK have developed the technique of storing data digitally using laser light. 360 terabytes of information can fit on one sliver of nanostructured quartz. With this tech, we can store literally the whole of human history and Your data can be stored safely for 14 billion years.The storage system, in addition to being long lasting, is also pretty safe,the quartz can withstand up to 157 degrees。The research team has written a series of major works on the small glass discs,such as the King James Bible and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights